Interested in Volunteering?

All volunteers for ministries that work with children, vulnerable adults or the elderly, will need to create a Virtus account at  and complete 4 requirements:  

Registering for Virtus (tutorial)

  • Volunteer Form 

  • Code of Pastoral Conduct 

  • Virtus Training 

  • Background Check 

These requirements serve to keep you, as well as the people you work with safe.  

We have provided a step-by-step tutorial on how to create your Virtus account and complete the requirements. Please download, print, sign and date the Volunteer Form, and Code of Pastoral Conduct signature page and return it to the Compliance Coordinator, Dianne Mantilla via email at or in person at the office.  

To sign-up for a Virtus session or to see a schedule of available dates, go to

We thank you for your willingness to keep safe those who are most at risk.